Contact information


Andros is 2 hours by boat from Rafina port. You can check the boat schedules online at To get to Rafina port there is a bus from Athens International Airport. The departure point is between the Exits 2 and 3 of the arrivals hall (opposite hotel Sofitel). You can check the schedule and prices online at Alternatively you can take a taxi from the airport. Indicative prices are around 35 euros during the day and 45 euros during the night. Once you arrive at the port of Gavrio in Andros there is a bus with the arrival of every boat that takes you to the hotel. It is a 10 to 15 min drive. The departure point is as you exit the boat on your left. You just need to ask the driver to make a stop at hotel Karanasos in Batsi. From the point that the bus leaves you the hotel is at 50 meters on your left. Alternatively you can take a taxi. The cost is 12 euros.